UX Spins for UXPA Cleveland

I am doing another edition of my UX Spins presentation, this time focused on Cleveland and Northeast Ohio, for UXPA Cleveland, October 6.

It will be similar to the UX Australia version, with a few tweaks, and localizations for Cleveland. For example, the Field of Study slide is a sample of academic programs for nearby schools, such as Kent State, CWRU, Akron, and CMU.

I put the most customization effort into the “Landscape of UX communities” slide (see a piece of it in the banner above). I have been talking with colleagues in Cleveland for years about this (for example, last year’s World Usability Day Cleveland conference had a session about regulation), so I felt that I had to step up the part about communities and professions. I am also including some concepts from last month’s UXPA Cleveland event on continuing education (which covered credentials, among other topics).

Download the slides (updated after the talk) if you want to peek ahead for what I will talk about. If you are coming here after semi-enjoying the talk, many images in the slides have links to resources.