Users as Customers and…

I wrote an article for the Customer Experience professional association of Michigan’s blog.

Users as Customers and Other Relationships
What is the relationship between User Experience (UX) and Customer Experience (CX) in your organization? It depends.

I think looking at the relationships between your organization and the people who are interacting with it will help you figure out how to form teams, staff projects, develop professional development plans, choose methods, and all of the other things your organization will need to do in order to successfully define, design, deliver, and manage experiences.

I talk about 3 categories of relationships:

  • Users in purchasing relationships, buying stuff
  • Users in other business relationships, like employees
  • Users in non-business relationships, e.g., the public sector

One of my goals in writing this (and publishing it with CX of M) is to encourage conversations between professionals in UX and CX.

I started writing this a while ago, but had to make some adjustments based on the global pandemic. It is hard to ignore how it impacts everything.

Find anything useful in the article? Want to call bull-oney? Have more to add? Head over the LinkedIn and comment.