Pictures of 7 people new to the SIGCHI EC

SIGCHI Executive Committee

I am excited to be back on the SIGCHI Executive Committee along with several other new people to the team. Time to give back to the HCI discipline, connect it with UX professionals in industry, and help the next generation.

See April 18: New to the SIGCHI EC by Neha Kumar (Medium) for details.

My “bio” for this context

Keith Instone has been a SIGCHI member since he started his career in 1988. While a researcher at Bowling Green State University in the 1990s, he was an active ACM and SIGCHI volunteer. As SIGCHI’s Information Director, he created the first few CHI conference websites, which included early attempts at publishing the proceedings online. In 1998, he was given a Distinguished Service Award.

Over the past 25 years, he has been working in industry and helping establish and grow various HCI-related industry communities (using framings of usability, information architecture, interaction design, user experience, and more). The CHI 2005 Development Consortium is one example where he worked with SIGCHI to convene representatives from a variety of related organizations to explore partnerships. His consulting has included helping new UX-related university programs collaborate with industry.

Taking a leadership role on the Partnership committee is coming full circle for Keith. He is returning to his disciplinary roots, sharing his industry connections and practitioner knowledge to help us create a future where our scientific understanding of how humans use technology shapes the digital world our descendants will be living in.