UX Day, Advances in UX panel

Advances in UX Panel

I will be facilitating a panel at the 67th Human Factors & Ergonomics Society annual meeting on Wednesday, in Washington, DC. The panel will be one of the featured sessions for User Experience Day, a dedicated track of programming specifically geared for UX professionals. The panel topic is “Advances in UX Research & Practice” and …

UX Game Night

I am excited to host another “UX Game Night”: playing games that embody UX concepts while also socializing with your UX peers. I am going to bring two kinds of games: traditional games and specially-made games. Useful UX Concepts Taught by Traditional Games Specific UX Games Should be fun!

Next Frontiers in UX

I presented Four ways to think about the “Next Frontier of UX” at the Greater Cleveland Partnership’s All in for Tech Day on October 10th. I used the 4 categories that evolved from my UX Spins roadshow to frame a discussion around emerging tech areas (with a focus on AI). UX as Impressions UX as …

October UX Calendar

September was a great month for UX across Ohio, with World Interaction Design Day events in Cincinnati and Columbus being the most prominent: Ohio was the only state in the USA with 2 events! October has a lot going on for UXers, more than changing leaves! The new Ohio UX Calendar lists the upcoming events by UX groups that …

Ohio AI Forum, Cleveland, August 19, 2023

Human-Centered AI in Ohio

I attended two InnovateOhio “AI Forums” the past month in order to listen to the conversations and start thinking about how UXers can foster a more humane artificial intelligence-driven economy/society in Ohio. If you are not familiar with InnovateOhio, its main goal is to build a platform that enables better interactions with state services for …

City scape with data visualization

State of UX in Ohio

As the Ohio UX Roundtable, we want to support our community, improve our profession, and increase our impact on industry. We created a survey to help us understand more about UX professionals, educators and overall UX maturity across the state. Here are some of the survey questions for practitioners/managers: For educators, we ask about the …

Summer Ohio UX

Summer time means several “socials” across the state, but also starting to plan for the fall. What we already know about for the Ohio UX community in the fall: October 9-13, Cincinnati Design Week. The fall events we are planning during the monthly Zoom hangouts:

Pictures of 7 people new to the SIGCHI EC

SIGCHI Executive Committee

I am excited to be back on the SIGCHI Executive Committee along with several other new people to the team. Time to give back to the HCI discipline, connect it with UX professionals in industry, and help the next generation. See April 18: New to the SIGCHI EC by Neha Kumar (Medium) for details. My …

Preventing the Future, session for 24 Hours of UX

April OhioUX News

What’s coming up for UX practitioners and professionals in Ohio, April 2023 edition. Our next meeting of the OhioX UX Roundtable is on Friday the 14th at noon. NEW are Eventbrite events for our 2nd-Friday-monthly-hangouts that you can RSVP for to get reminders of the ones you can make while not getting pestered by me …

Connecting UX Academia & Industry

I am doing a new presentation of very old stuff for the UX@UM conference on Saturday, April 1. My talk’s title is “History of Connecting UX Academia and Industry“. I have called this “User Experience Research-Practice Interaction” (UXRPI) and “Industry-Academic Collaboration in UX” in the past. UX@UM is a conference at the University of Michigan, …