Showing 17 Result(s)

UX Spins for UXPA Cleveland

I am doing another edition of my UX Spins presentation, this time focused on Cleveland and Northeast Ohio, for UXPA Cleveland, October 6. It will be similar to the UX Australia version, with a few tweaks, and localizations for Cleveland. For example, the Field of Study slide is a sample of academic programs for nearby …

Define, Design & Deliver Experiences that Users Love (or at least, will pay you for or use without complaining)

Rocket Innovators Presentation

On Friday, September 18th (11am EDT), I am doing a (remote) presentation about user experience and innovation for the University of Toledo “Rocket Innovators” series. This is a follow-up to a “fireside chat” I had with Jordan Valdiviez a few weeks ago. The title is “Define, Design & Deliver Experiences that Users Love” with a …

Screen shot from Keith practicing his talk via Zoom

UX Australia

UX Australia is this week. It is a UX conference from my bucket list. The goal was to attend/speak AND spend a month or so there for work and vacation. Remote participation will have to do for this year. The timing is actually perfect: 7pm to midnight Monday – Thursday for me (morning Tuesday – …

Slide about UX as a Buzzword from my TorCHI presentation

Spins for TorCHI

I added a UX Spins talk for the Toronto CHI group (on July 20th) to my calendar. After experimenting with an online version for IxDA Cincinnati, I wanted another chance to “practice” before UX Australia (where people are actually paying to listen to me, yikes). Plus TorCHI will be a good crowd, more experienced attendees/advanced …

Slide from CodeMash presentation

Example UX Discussion

I am putting the finishing touches on my User Experience Spins presentation for CodeMash (this Thursday). I’ve been looking for an example discussion within a UX community that shows the many interpretations of the term “user experience”, the types of debates that break out as a result, and the underlying issues and challenges which then …

Spinner with 12 UX concepts

Twelve Spins on UX

I am working on a new discussion-oriented presentation, Twelve Spins on User Experience, which will try to explain some of the different things the term “user experience” has meant over the years and how people are using it today, often in confusing ways. If you go looking on Twitter, you will find lots of rants …

Designer Dating Game

Designer Dating Game, and more

In addition to organizing/sponsoring the Michigan UXPA Architecture Walk & Experience Design Tour, I am participating in the Detroit Month of Design “Designer Dating Game” on September 6th. It is an interesting way for people to learn about the value of design. The companies ask questions of designers to find the right match, using the …