UX Life

As part of the Michigan UXPA team, I led the writing of a memorial for Josie Scott. (I think I did better than the one for Randy Pausch.)

I think it is important to remember the people who helped form the community. Josie definitely was a positive force in Michigan and the global user experience profession.

That piece focused on Josie’s public artifacts, such as her presentations and writings.

But Josie was great to work with as a colleague, behind-the-scenes, as we were building our community.

One example was creating a proposal for Detroit to host the Midwest UX conference. Going through my email archives, I found this message from Josie that is very representative of her contributions.

Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 4:43 PM
Subject: UXLifeCover

Greetings, Midwest UX Detroiters! Last meeting, we discussed creating a vision for our conference, working collaboratively to get there. To make that happen, I’ve whipped up a little version of the innovation game known as “Cover Story” to help us. 

Please take a few minutes to think about having our wildly successful conference on the cover of a magazine, a fictional cover UX Life Magazine.

I’d like you to think about what would go on that cover:  

  • What would the cover say about our success?
  • What headlines would be featured?
  • What sidebar stories would the magazine reporters cover?
  • What great quotes would we get from whom?
  • What images (yes, go find some!) would the photographers have captured?
  • What other great ideas did you think about that we shouldn’t miss?

Ok, that’s it. We’ll put them together live, but you’re free to update the doc now, if you can’t wait, or noodle something up on your own. No bad ideas, either. Regardless, come with your notes for the meeting…we’ll figure it out from there.  

The meeting is currently scheduled for April 13 at 7 p.m., so you have time. But don’t worry, I’ll send a reminder, because, UX Life!

Josie Scott

Josie definitely deserved to be on the cover “Michigan UX Life”.