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TechTown Detroit: Ask an Expert

I am excited to be a part of TechTown Detroit’s Professional Services Network and available for (free) consultations as part of their Ask an Expert program.

I’ve been doing formal and informal consulting with startups for years. The first conversation is usually about user interface design for an app or website they are building. Then we often get into how to do steps in the startup playbook, like customer validation, more effectively. Sometimes I help visualize the customer experience and point out which human behaviors are crucial to their business model.

To start out, I’ll be at TechTown on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (November 19, December 17, January 21), from 11am to 2pm.

If you are a startup in the Detroit-area and want to chat for 30 minutes, go online and book a time slot. If you know of a Detroit-area startup who might benefit from talking with me, tell them to sign up.

I’ve been going to events at TechTown for years and using it as a short-term coworking space when I was in town doing other things (like planning Michigan UXPA events or visiting with Design Core Detroit staff).

And for all of my UX colleagues in Detroit, feel free to contact me for 3rd Tuesday breakfast or dinner meet-ups.