Drinks x Design, July 11

Dexterity User Experience will be participating in Design Core Detroit‘s July 11 instance of Drinks x Design, their monthly social gathering of designers. In July, the focus is on User Experience.

I will be there to pitch my UX services to people from companies, startups, design agencies, educational institutions, and more.

At events list this, where there are a lot of people from a wide range of “traditional” design backgrounds, I like to explain what UX is and relate it to what they do. Below is something I may use.

We will be at the Wayne State Industry Innovation Center, part of TechTown, and the same place we had the Designer Dating Game back in August.

A fun time, and free thanks to Vitamin T! Join us to talk shop with other user experience professionals and meet people from a wide range of design disciplines.

What is User Experience?

  1. An impression someone gets when interacting with products, services, spaces, brands, and organizations
  2. A field of study focused on how people behave and how to creatively address human needs in technology-enabled contexts
  3. A profession, with careers, jobs, and roles such as user researcher, information architect, user interface designer, and usability engineer
  4. A human-centered process (with methods like field research, design concept exploration, prototyping, and solution evaluation) being used for business operations, innovation, government services, and in many other situations
  5. A “horizontal” complement to “vertical” industries, generating economic impact by improving manufacturing, health care, financial services, transportation, education, retail, etc.
  6. All of the above
  7. None of the above