Showing 68 Result(s)

Drinks x Design, July 11

Dexterity User Experience will be participating in Design Core Detroit‘s July 11 instance of Drinks x Design, their monthly social gathering of designers. In July, the focus is on User Experience. I will be there to pitch my UX services to people from companies, startups, design agencies, educational institutions, and more. At events list this, …

Startup Scaleup 2019

I enjoyed my day at JumpStart‘s Startup Scaleup, Northeast Ohio’s largest single entrepreneurial event of the year, on June 19th. The day’s agenda is still online (but hard to find). What I got out of the conference that is spread out across a neighborhood… I gained a sense of the current state of the entrepreneurial …

Designer Dating Game

Designer Dating Game, and more

In addition to organizing/sponsoring the Michigan UXPA Architecture Walk & Experience Design Tour, I am participating in the Detroit Month of Design “Designer Dating Game” on September 6th. It is an interesting way for people to learn about the value of design. The companies ask questions of designers to find the right match, using the …

Decipher conversation

I am leading a Conversation about “UX practitioner & design researcher interaction” at the Decipher conference, September 27th, at the University of Michigan. My “conversation” proposal: UX practitioners at Decipher are invited to a session to recap what they have gotten from learning about and discussing the academic version of design research. Design researchers are …

UX for Blockchain

I am leading a roundtable on Designing User Experiences with Blockchain at the next Connect Tech on July 31st and I would love to have my Toledo colleagues join me. Connect Tech is EPIC Toledo‘s update to its roundtable event for IT professionals. It now includes a broader coverage of tech topics for a wider …

Sponsoring Architecture Walk & Opera Tour

Dexterity UX is proud to be the first sponsor of Michigan UXPA’s Architecture Walk & Experience Design Tour on September 6th in downtown Detroit. “We will explore places made of atoms and discuss how to design places made of bits.” See for the details. Buy an individual ticket (starting in August) to either visit architectural …

Notes from Design & ED presentation

Originally published on on August 31, 2014. A PDF version of the slides/notes was published in July with this overview: What is design (in 3 contexts), how it matters in today’s economy Designing touch points with regional economic development audiences Using design to improve the Toledo region economy I uploaded the 3 slides from my NORED Ignite talk to …

TFP Cover Story, April 12, 2014

April 12, 2014 was the original date for this article on Be sure to read this weekend’s Toledo Free Press cover article: ‘It Matters Where You Make It’ drives new Toledo branding effort. It covers the latest activities and some of the larger issues in the Toledo Region Branding Initiative and has an additional article …

New Toledo Region branding

Original: April 5, 2014, The next iteration of the Toledo Region branding effort was released yesterday. I was still out of town, so I did not get to participate in the Mud Hens/Walleye events where the new logo and slogan were debuted. But I did get to hear about the plans a few weeks …

Basic Economic Development Course

March 4, 2014 is the original publication date for this, on I am “going back to school” this week, to take the Ohio Basic Economic Development Course (by OEDA). To better understand how the economic development world works, I thought I should at least take the beginner course. I have been observing economic development from …