Laws of UX, BGSU, April 14th

I am excited to have Jon Yablonski visit my CS 3240 class on April 14th. His Laws of UX book is a great way to learn principles of visual design, user-centered design, and user experience.

I am also excited that he will be visiting GDSN 3055 (User Experience/User Interface Design) classes offered in the Graphic Design program later on 4/14.

AND, I am also excited that Jon will be doing a public presentation that evening in the BGSU Student Union. We are inviting students, faculty & staff from across campus.

Update, 3/24: Laws of UX is now listed in the BGSU Calendar.

Anyone in the Toledo area interested in user experience is invited to join us!

Laws of User Experience: Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Service, by Jon Yablonski

Monday, April 14th

  • 6:30pm: Doors open, socializing
  • 7pm: Presentation, Q&A
  • 8pm: More socializing

FREE & open to the public.

  • Location: BGSU, Bowen-Thompson Student Union (BTSU), Theater (Room 206)
  • Park in Lots 7B-C-D (adjacent to BTSU) and pay for short term parking using the kiosk or PayByPhone mobile app

No food or drinks will be provided, but you can purchase something in the Union before or after the presentation.

Organized by the Computer Science Department, in collaboration with Graphic Design, VCT, Scientific and Technical Communication, Business, and the School of Media & Communication.

Please RSVP if you plan to attend. I will send you reminders about the event (such as where to park) as we get closer to the event.