Columbus AI Week

I’ll be at Columbus AI Week next week (September 17-19).

On Day 2 (Wednesday), I am moderating a panel on AI for Customer Experience. We will be framing the discussion around 3 categories of AI system use cases:

  • Customer-facing (e.g., chatbots)
  • Employee-facing (e.g., call center rep tools)
  • Management-facing (e.g., analysis of streams of data and content to get insights and make decisions about customer experiences)

On Day 3 (Thursday), I will be doing an updated version of my breakout session/interactive discussion on Human-Centered AI. (Version 1 was at Cincinnati AI Week.) This time, I will structure the session around these 3 questions:

  • What does it mean for a business to be “Human Centered”?
  • What does it mean for AI systems to be “Human Centered”?
  • How do you define, design, and deliver Human-Centered AI systems?

I have a near-final version of the slides (PDF) that I will use to guide things, but exactly where we go will depend on the audience. For example, I have a few samples of resources from UX & HCI worlds at the end, if people are interested, and we get that far.