Showing 3 Result(s)

Life Design Context

Ohio Magazine wrote an article about BGSU’s Life Design program, which caused me to put the CS usability engineering course in context (on LinkedIn, repeated here). The “Life Design” commitment was one reason I agreed to teach the decades-old “Usability Engineering” computer science class at BGSU this semester. I am actively working with people at …

Four Framings for UX

The first piece of my “speakerware” that I am using for CS3240 is my 4 ways to think about UX, based on eating/cooking/food industry examples. A simplification of my “figure it out by presenting” UX Spins sessions. I have been using this set of slides with students for a while , at “career path” conferences …

Mishmash of things I will be leveraging for CS3240.

BGSU Usability Engineering Class

Time to teach a User Experience-related class at Bowling Green State University again. I have taught a class, as an adjunct, about every 10 years: in 2006 & 2016, it was the graduate class in Human Issues in Computing. This time it is the undergraduate Usability Engineering course, CS3240. (A “legacy” title, but the core …